tal y como lo anunció, trent reznor a pasado de las discográficas para su último album y lo vende exclusivamente por internet. Ghosts I-IV
"This music arrived unexpectedly as the result of an experiment. The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as... something.
The team: Atticus Ross, Alan Moulder and myself with some help from Alessandro Cortini, Adrian Belew and Brian Viglione. Rob Sheridan collaborated with Artist in Residence (A+R) to create the accompanying visual and physical aesthetic.
We began improvising and let the music decide the direction. Eyes were closed, hands played instruments and it began. Within a matter of days it became clear we were on to something, and a lot of material began appearing. What we thought could be a five song EP became much more. I invited some friends over to join in and we all enjoyed the process of collaborating on this.
The end result is a wildly varied body of music that we're able to present to the world in ways the confines of a major record label would never have allowed - from a 100% DRM-free, high-quality download, to the most luxurious physical package we've ever created.
More volumes of Ghosts are likely to appear in the future.
- Trent Reznor, March 2, 2008 "
de este modo nos encontramos con diferentes formatos a diferentes precios, desde la descarga gratuita de Ghosts-I hasta la edición limitada de extra-lujo a 300$, cuyos 2500 ejemplares se agotaron a las 24 horas de ponerse a la venta, o lo que es lo mismo 750.000 dolares en un día y sólo con la edición limitada.
Dedicado a todos esos artistas de medio pelo que proclaman que se debería prohibir internet.
4 comentarios:
Más quitao la portada del blog, tío.
Claro, como eres el editor-in-chief...
bueno, no era mi intención pisarte el post, pero chapeau por reznor, estos días with teeth me acompaña al curro y justo hace un año que les vi en la casilla y al leer esto no he podido aguantarme el comentarlo
With Teeth... a mí también me parece pasote, y 'Everyday is exactly the same' es una obra de arte.
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