28 de febrero de 2007
Buckcherry - Everything
Buried way beneath the sheets I think she's having a meltdown
Finding it hard to fall asleep she won't let anyone help her
The look on her face a waste of time she won't let go gonna roll the dice
Loosing her grace starts to cry I feel her pain when I look in her eyes
I want ta be I want everything, I want everything
Somewhere she is on the streets trying to make things better
Praying to God and breathing deep gotta break this long obsession
If I had everything would I still want to be alive or want to be high [2x]
Now and then she talks to me and sometimes writes me letters
Your eyes, never close your eyes open up your mind and you can have everything
26 de febrero de 2007
Bilbao BBK Live Festival 07
23 de febrero de 2007
19 de febrero de 2007
17 de febrero de 2007
Trent el breve

Sobre las 9 menos diez saltaron al escenario The Popo, batería, guitarra (voz) y 2 tipos tocando teclados a lo cheposo (q postura más incomoda y estúpida para tocar un teclado), entre el escaso público caras de "que coño es esto", a mitad de set el batería paso a tocar el bajo (anteriormente metían uno sintetizado), el guitarra a la batería y uno de los cheposos a la voz y, en mi opinión, mejoraron bastante, aun así creo que no los apuntaré en la lista de grupos a seguir.
sobre las 10 Reznor y sus secuaces tomaron el escenario con una atmosfera de perpetua neblina y predominio de focos a contraluz realmente envolvente. Por causas que no vienen a cuento este creo que ha sido el único concierto que he visto sentado en la grada y me sorprendió el orden y sosiego que había en las primeras filas, ni March of the pigs creó avalanchas!!.
Concierto intenso, ejecución impecable, buen sonido para lo que suele ser la casilla, apenas hubo contacto con el público si exceptuamos algún "thank you" de vez en cuando, The hand that feeds y Head like a hole fueron el climax sin duda y después de unos 80 minuntos.... el vacío, no hay bises, quiero escuchar Hurt!! nada, en un minuto el escenario se llena de gente recogiendo cables, batería....
acabo de leer que en Madrid tampoco hubo bises, pero tocaron más tiempo.
con lo feliz que me hubiesen hecho con Hurt...
Love is not enough
Terrible lie
March of the pigs
Something i can never have
The frail
The wretched
No, you don´t
Help me i am in hell
la mer(intro)
into the void
even deeper
get down make love
down in it
the hand that feeds
head like a hole
16 de febrero de 2007
Nine Inch Nails
12 de febrero de 2007
Othar y sus pronósticos
Volvemos a echar un vistazo a los pronósticos de Othar y vemos que a pesar de que en los resultados no ha estado muy fino en el computo global de puntos la está clavando:
Real Madrid—Athletic 0 8
Athletic—Recreativo 3 11
Deportivo—Athletic 0 11
Athletic—Zaragoza 3 14
Mallorca—Athletic 1 15
Athletic—Villarreal 3 18
Levante—Athletic 0 18
TOTAL......1ª Vuelta 18 Puntos
2ª Vuelta
R. Sociedad—Athletic 1 19
Athletic—Betis 3 22
Atlético—Athletic 0 22
Athletic—Getafe 3 25
Barcelona—Athletic 0 25
Athletic—Nástic 3 28
Celta—Athletic 0 28
Athletic—Osasuna 3 31
Racing—Athletic 1 32
Athletic—Valencia 1 33
Athletic—Español 3 36
Sevilla—Athletic 0 36
Athletic—Real Madrid 0 36
Recreativo—Athletic 1 37
Athletic—Deportivo 1 38
Zaragoza—Athletic 0 38
Athletic—Mallorca 3 41
Villareal—Athletic 0 41
Athletic—Levante 3 44
TOTAL......2ª Vuelta 26 Puntos
Real Madrid—Athletic 0 8
Athletic—Recreativo 3 11
Deportivo—Athletic 0 11
Athletic—Zaragoza 3 14
Mallorca—Athletic 1 15
Athletic—Villarreal 3 18
Levante—Athletic 0 18
TOTAL......1ª Vuelta 18 Puntos
2ª Vuelta
R. Sociedad—Athletic 1 19
Athletic—Betis 3 22
Atlético—Athletic 0 22
Athletic—Getafe 3 25
Barcelona—Athletic 0 25
Athletic—Nástic 3 28
Celta—Athletic 0 28
Athletic—Osasuna 3 31
Racing—Athletic 1 32
Athletic—Valencia 1 33
Athletic—Español 3 36
Sevilla—Athletic 0 36
Athletic—Real Madrid 0 36
Recreativo—Athletic 1 37
Athletic—Deportivo 1 38
Zaragoza—Athletic 0 38
Athletic—Mallorca 3 41
Villareal—Athletic 0 41
Athletic—Levante 3 44
TOTAL......2ª Vuelta 26 Puntos
9 de febrero de 2007
que digo que asin de nevado que esta londres...
8 de febrero de 2007
6 de febrero de 2007
5 de febrero de 2007
Batzek Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria lortu du
Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria jaso du gaur Batz Sozietate Kooperatiboak. Gainera agiria Arratiako hainbat enpresen aurrean egindako ekitaldian jaso du Batzek. Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak, Rober Gutiérrezek, eman dio Ziurtagiria Batzen lehendakaria den Jose Luis Madariagari. Batz inguruko enpresentzat eredua izan da euskararen normalizazioan konpromiso sendoa hartu duelako.
"Lan mundua euskalduntzeko eredutzat hartu behar dugu Batz kooperatibak hartutako konpromisoa", aitortu du Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak. Izan ere, Arratia bailarako enpresei euskara lan munduan zabaltzeko erantzukizuna hartzeko gonbita luzatu die Rober Gutiérrezek. Bere aldetik, Batzeko ordezkariek inguruko enpresak animatu dituzte: "egin dugun bidea beste batzuentzat baliagarria izan daitekeela uste dugu, eta zentzu horretan inguruko beste enpresa batzuentzat lagungarri izan beharko luke, gure esperientzia eskaintzeko prest gaude, guk lortu badugu, beste batzuek lor dezakete".
Enpresa honen helburua ez da soilik Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren bigarren maila izatea, "Guk zerbitzua euskaraz"; maila gorena lortzeko konpromisoa hartu baitu. "Enpresak dituen ezaugarriak kontuan hartuta, beste zerbait eskatzen du 'Guk Zerbitzua eta Lana euskaraz' maila, gure hurrengo erronka da", azaldu dute enpresako ordezkariek.
Batz enpresa Igorren dago, trokelgintza eta automozio sistemak egiten ditu. Sozietateak 550 langile ditu eta 2.000 urtean hartu zuen euskara sustatzeko konpromisoa. Elhuyar aholkularitzarekin euskara plana garatzen hasi ziren. "Helburu nagusia euskara enpresaren jardunean integratzea da, langileen parte-hartze zuzenarekin". Zazpi urte hauetan egindako lanaren ondorioz, jada komunikazio orokorren % 90 ele bietan egiten dira eta ahozko erabilera %40koa da. Gainera, euskara sustatzeko kanpaina bereziak egin ditu Batz enpresak 'euskarak batzen gaitu' lelopekoa adibidez.
Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren Elkartearen bazkide
Bestetik, Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak azaldu ditu Ziurtagiri honen ezaugarri nagusiak: "Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriak euskararen normalizaziorako neurriak garatzen ari direla kreditatzen du, ahalegina aitortzeaz gain, konpromiso hori jende aurrean erakusteko bereizgarria da". Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria jada Euskal Herri osoko 1.410 enpresak, saltokik eta era guztietako entitatek lortu dute
Era berean, arduradunak azaldu du Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren elkartea sortze prozesuan dagoela. Elkartea sortu baino lehen Euskal Herriko eragileen inplikazioa lortu nahi dute arduradunek. "Eragileen ekarpenak jasotzen ari gara elkartearen parte hartzea ahalik eta irekiena izateko", aditzera eman du Rober Gutiérrezek.
Elkarte berri honetan eragileen parte hartzea funtsezkoa da, elkarlana du oinarri. Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria eskuratu dutenek ere elkartearen parte hartzaileak izango dira, beraz, Batz Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren Elkartearen bazkide izango da.
Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria jaso du gaur Batz Sozietate Kooperatiboak. Gainera agiria Arratiako hainbat enpresen aurrean egindako ekitaldian jaso du Batzek. Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak, Rober Gutiérrezek, eman dio Ziurtagiria Batzen lehendakaria den Jose Luis Madariagari. Batz inguruko enpresentzat eredua izan da euskararen normalizazioan konpromiso sendoa hartu duelako.
"Lan mundua euskalduntzeko eredutzat hartu behar dugu Batz kooperatibak hartutako konpromisoa", aitortu du Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak. Izan ere, Arratia bailarako enpresei euskara lan munduan zabaltzeko erantzukizuna hartzeko gonbita luzatu die Rober Gutiérrezek. Bere aldetik, Batzeko ordezkariek inguruko enpresak animatu dituzte: "egin dugun bidea beste batzuentzat baliagarria izan daitekeela uste dugu, eta zentzu horretan inguruko beste enpresa batzuentzat lagungarri izan beharko luke, gure esperientzia eskaintzeko prest gaude, guk lortu badugu, beste batzuek lor dezakete".
Enpresa honen helburua ez da soilik Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren bigarren maila izatea, "Guk zerbitzua euskaraz"; maila gorena lortzeko konpromisoa hartu baitu. "Enpresak dituen ezaugarriak kontuan hartuta, beste zerbait eskatzen du 'Guk Zerbitzua eta Lana euskaraz' maila, gure hurrengo erronka da", azaldu dute enpresako ordezkariek.
Batz enpresa Igorren dago, trokelgintza eta automozio sistemak egiten ditu. Sozietateak 550 langile ditu eta 2.000 urtean hartu zuen euskara sustatzeko konpromisoa. Elhuyar aholkularitzarekin euskara plana garatzen hasi ziren. "Helburu nagusia euskara enpresaren jardunean integratzea da, langileen parte-hartze zuzenarekin". Zazpi urte hauetan egindako lanaren ondorioz, jada komunikazio orokorren % 90 ele bietan egiten dira eta ahozko erabilera %40koa da. Gainera, euskara sustatzeko kanpaina bereziak egin ditu Batz enpresak 'euskarak batzen gaitu' lelopekoa adibidez.
Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren Elkartearen bazkide
Bestetik, Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren arduradunak azaldu ditu Ziurtagiri honen ezaugarri nagusiak: "Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriak euskararen normalizaziorako neurriak garatzen ari direla kreditatzen du, ahalegina aitortzeaz gain, konpromiso hori jende aurrean erakusteko bereizgarria da". Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria jada Euskal Herri osoko 1.410 enpresak, saltokik eta era guztietako entitatek lortu dute
Era berean, arduradunak azaldu du Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren elkartea sortze prozesuan dagoela. Elkartea sortu baino lehen Euskal Herriko eragileen inplikazioa lortu nahi dute arduradunek. "Eragileen ekarpenak jasotzen ari gara elkartearen parte hartzea ahalik eta irekiena izateko", aditzera eman du Rober Gutiérrezek.
Elkarte berri honetan eragileen parte hartzea funtsezkoa da, elkarlana du oinarri. Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiria eskuratu dutenek ere elkartearen parte hartzaileak izango dira, beraz, Batz Bai Euskarari Ziurtagiriaren Elkartearen bazkide izango da.
2 de febrero de 2007
1 de febrero de 2007
Frank Zappa, ¿Un visionario?
- copyright 1983 by Frank Zappa -
Ordinary phonograph record merchandising as it exists today is a stupid process which concerns itself essentially with pieces of plastic, wrapped in pieces of cardboard.
These objects, in quantity, are heavy and expensive to ship. The manufacturing process is complicated and crude. Quality control for the stamping of the discs is an exercise in futility. The system is subject to pilferage (as, in some instances, pressing 'over-runs' have been initiated, with the quantity pressed above the amount of the legitimate order removed from the premises and sold on the black market).
Dissatisfied customers routinely return records because they are warped and will not play.
Large numbers of people are employed in the field of 'record promotion' . . . these salaries are, for the most part, a waste of money.
New digital technology may eventually solve the warpage problem and provide the consumer with better quality sound in the form of Compact Discs [C.D.'s]. They are smaller, contain more music, and would, presumably cost less to ship . . . but, they are much more expensive to buy and manufacture. To reproduce them, the consumer needs to purchase a digital device to replace his old hi-fi equipment (in the $700 price range).
The bulk of the promotional effort at every record company today is expended on "NEW MATERIAL" . . . the latest and the greatest of whatever the cocaine-tweezed A&R Brass has decided to inflict on everybody. More often than not, these 'aesthetic decisions' result in mountains of useless vinyl/cardboard artifacts which cannot be sold at any price, and are therefore returned for disposal and recycling. These mistakes are expensive.
Put aside momentarily the current method of operation and think what is being wasted in terms of GREAT CATALOG ITEMS, squeezed out of the market place because of limited rack space in retail outlets, and the insatiable desire of quota-conscious company reps to fill every available niche with THIS WEEK'S NEW RELEASES.
Every major record company has vaults full of (and perpetual rights to) great recording by major artists in many categories which might still provide enjoyment to music consumers if they were made available in the right way. MUSIC CONSUMERS LIKE TO CONSUME MUSIC . . . NOT PIECES OF VINYL WRAPPED IN PIECES OF CARDBOARD.
It is our proposal to take advantage of the POSITIVE ASPECTS of a NEGATIVE TREND afflicting the record industry today: HOME TAPING via cassette of material released on vinyl.
First of all, we must realize that the taping of albums is not motivated by 'stinginess' alone . . . if a consumer makes a home tape from a disc, that copy will probably sound better than a commercially manufactured high-speed dupe cassette, legitimately released by the company.
presenting: "Q.C.I."
We propose to acquire the rights to digitally duplicate and store THE BEST of every record company's difficult-to-move Quality Catalog Items [Q.C.I.], store them in a central processing location, and have them accessible by phone or cable TV, directly patchable into the user's home taping appliances, with the option of direct digital-to-digital transfer to F-1 (SONY consumer level digital tape encoder), Beta Hi-Fi, or ordinary analog cassette (requiring the installation of a rentable D-A converter in the phone itself . . . the main chip is about $12).
All accounting for royalty payments, billing to the customer, etc. would be automatic, built into the initial software for the system.
The consumer has the option of subscribing to one or more Interest Categories, charged at a monthly rate, without regard for the quantity of music he or she decides to tape.
Providing material in such quantity at a reduced cost could actually diminish the desire to duplicate and store it, since it would be available any time day or night.
Monthly listings could be provided by catalog, reducing the on-line storage requirements of the computer. The entire service would be accessed by phone, even if the local reception is via TV cable.
The advantage of the TV cable is: on those channels where nothing ever seems to happen (there's about 70 of them in L.A.), a visualization of the original cover art, including song lyrics, technical data, etc., could be displayed while the transmission is in progress, giving the project an electronic whiff of the original point-of-purchase merchandising built into the album when it was 'an album', since there are many consumers who like to fondle & fetish the packaging while the music is being played. In this situation, Fondlement & Fetishism Potential [F.F.P.] is supplied, without the cost of shipping tons of cardboard around.
We require a LARGE quantity of money and the services of a team of mega-hackers to write the software for this system. Most of the hardware devices are, even as you read this, available as off-the-shelf items, just waiting to be plugged into each other so they can put an end to "THE RECORD BUSINESS" as we now know it.
For more information regarding this concept check out
The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa.
- copyright 1983 by Frank Zappa -
Ordinary phonograph record merchandising as it exists today is a stupid process which concerns itself essentially with pieces of plastic, wrapped in pieces of cardboard.
These objects, in quantity, are heavy and expensive to ship. The manufacturing process is complicated and crude. Quality control for the stamping of the discs is an exercise in futility. The system is subject to pilferage (as, in some instances, pressing 'over-runs' have been initiated, with the quantity pressed above the amount of the legitimate order removed from the premises and sold on the black market).
Dissatisfied customers routinely return records because they are warped and will not play.
Large numbers of people are employed in the field of 'record promotion' . . . these salaries are, for the most part, a waste of money.
New digital technology may eventually solve the warpage problem and provide the consumer with better quality sound in the form of Compact Discs [C.D.'s]. They are smaller, contain more music, and would, presumably cost less to ship . . . but, they are much more expensive to buy and manufacture. To reproduce them, the consumer needs to purchase a digital device to replace his old hi-fi equipment (in the $700 price range).
The bulk of the promotional effort at every record company today is expended on "NEW MATERIAL" . . . the latest and the greatest of whatever the cocaine-tweezed A&R Brass has decided to inflict on everybody. More often than not, these 'aesthetic decisions' result in mountains of useless vinyl/cardboard artifacts which cannot be sold at any price, and are therefore returned for disposal and recycling. These mistakes are expensive.
Put aside momentarily the current method of operation and think what is being wasted in terms of GREAT CATALOG ITEMS, squeezed out of the market place because of limited rack space in retail outlets, and the insatiable desire of quota-conscious company reps to fill every available niche with THIS WEEK'S NEW RELEASES.
Every major record company has vaults full of (and perpetual rights to) great recording by major artists in many categories which might still provide enjoyment to music consumers if they were made available in the right way. MUSIC CONSUMERS LIKE TO CONSUME MUSIC . . . NOT PIECES OF VINYL WRAPPED IN PIECES OF CARDBOARD.
It is our proposal to take advantage of the POSITIVE ASPECTS of a NEGATIVE TREND afflicting the record industry today: HOME TAPING via cassette of material released on vinyl.
First of all, we must realize that the taping of albums is not motivated by 'stinginess' alone . . . if a consumer makes a home tape from a disc, that copy will probably sound better than a commercially manufactured high-speed dupe cassette, legitimately released by the company.
presenting: "Q.C.I."
We propose to acquire the rights to digitally duplicate and store THE BEST of every record company's difficult-to-move Quality Catalog Items [Q.C.I.], store them in a central processing location, and have them accessible by phone or cable TV, directly patchable into the user's home taping appliances, with the option of direct digital-to-digital transfer to F-1 (SONY consumer level digital tape encoder), Beta Hi-Fi, or ordinary analog cassette (requiring the installation of a rentable D-A converter in the phone itself . . . the main chip is about $12).
All accounting for royalty payments, billing to the customer, etc. would be automatic, built into the initial software for the system.
The consumer has the option of subscribing to one or more Interest Categories, charged at a monthly rate, without regard for the quantity of music he or she decides to tape.
Providing material in such quantity at a reduced cost could actually diminish the desire to duplicate and store it, since it would be available any time day or night.
Monthly listings could be provided by catalog, reducing the on-line storage requirements of the computer. The entire service would be accessed by phone, even if the local reception is via TV cable.
The advantage of the TV cable is: on those channels where nothing ever seems to happen (there's about 70 of them in L.A.), a visualization of the original cover art, including song lyrics, technical data, etc., could be displayed while the transmission is in progress, giving the project an electronic whiff of the original point-of-purchase merchandising built into the album when it was 'an album', since there are many consumers who like to fondle & fetish the packaging while the music is being played. In this situation, Fondlement & Fetishism Potential [F.F.P.] is supplied, without the cost of shipping tons of cardboard around.
We require a LARGE quantity of money and the services of a team of mega-hackers to write the software for this system. Most of the hardware devices are, even as you read this, available as off-the-shelf items, just waiting to be plugged into each other so they can put an end to "THE RECORD BUSINESS" as we now know it.
For more information regarding this concept check out
The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa.
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